Dott. Guglielmo Mazzola
Guglielmo Mazzola is a Senior Investment Specialist at GAM Systematic.
Guglielmo interfaces with clients and GAM’s distribution team, sharing detailed investment information on our systematic alternative range and related custom client solutions. Prior to joining GAM in February 2022, Guglielmo worked as Senior Portfolio Manager at Tiber Capital LLP, a London-based asset manager specialising in alternative investments and systematic managed futures/CTA. His main areas of responsibility over his ten years included researching, testing, developing and coding new strategies/algorithms, as well as trade execution and portfolio monitoring. In recent years, he led the firm’s business development and distribution activities. From 2008 to 2010 Guglielmo worked for HSBC Bank Plc in Italy (Milan) as an M&A Analyst. Guglielmo holds a BA in Institutions and Financial Markets Management and a MSc in Finance from Bocconi University in Milan. He is based in London.